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Couple of Quick Reminders

Posted Date: 11/01/22 (10:00 PM)


Thanks for a great start to the 2022-2023 school year.  As we rapidly approach the conclusion of the first trimester grading period (Friday, November 11th), I wanted to remind you of a couple of important upcoming dates for students and school.

On Tuesday, November 8th, we will have a student e-Learning Day due to the mid-term elections.  You will received more information from your individual school buildings, principals, and/or teachers on these details in the coming days.

Also, on Monday, November 14th, there will be no school for students as this is a Teacher Work Day only.

Also, the 2023-2024 calendar was recently adopted by the Scott County School District 2 School Board and can be found by visiting our website at and looking under the Parent and Student drop down menu.
